Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Identity Management - 1064 Words

Charlene Vazquez Comm11 4-16-18 How online identities are influenced by online anonymity Social media is considered an interaction between groups or individuals that share common or new ideas amongst people worldwide. There is a significant impact of social networks on young people. Children are being manipulated by networking sites such as Facebook, accessing them through via cellphones that has become the most important thing in their lives. By this method this form of communicating is wildly spread amongst peers, parents and others. There is less utilization on a face to face conversation which lacks interpersonal skills. So now that we know what social media is, Do you know who you are? Do you want to be someone your not? Do†¦show more content†¦When helping individuals for job seeking or even online training helps this useful production manifest but on the flip side, the internet has many risks associated with online communities. Cyber bullying, which refers to a type of bullying that is successful using online technology. As shown in the video (PBS. PBS, WEB online Apr. 2016) These Bullies carry out their despicable acts using whatever networking site they feel anonymity can protect their motives. Cybercrimes has increased such as identity theft and even suicide. For Example, In the video the young boy felt that he can disclose certain personal information which he didn’t realize at the time on how it can back fire. When his dad went back online to find out answers on why he actually committed suicide was because of the cyber bully was making fun of his sexuality of him of being gay when in fidelity it was the truth. When you are young you don’t have enough knowledge on how social media can impact you and your life. Social networks have become part of people’s lives very vastly. Most young people has electronics such as cellphones, pc and even tablets that are being used to broadcast every second of their lives. Social Media can assist young people to become more socially internationally but makes them more incompetent in reality. Networking also makes a younger adult feel free as they feel that expressing themselves on the internet is justShow MoreRelatedIdentity And Access Management For Hdos1500 Words   |  6 Pages Identity and Access Management for HDOs Health Delivery Organizations (HDOs) are continuously confronted with handling a large amount of sensitive patient information. These organizations must have the capability to protect patient privacy and the integrity of their personal information, and yet be able to share the information with clinicians and staff that have a legal need for the information to provide due care. HDO’s are also under pressure to increase the effectiveness of their regulatoryRead MoreIdentity and Access Management1965 Words   |  8 PagesConfiguration, and Maintenance of several highly complex systems in an Enterprise Level environment. Mr. Amit is a Business Executive, and Thought Leader with a diverse background in Identity Access Management (IDAM), Technical Project Manager , Program Management, Systems Integration, Enterprise Architecture, Risk Management, Systems Architecture and Design, Regulatory Compliance and Policy. He is an out of the box thinker that understands the â€Å"Big Picture†, and knows how to engage the right Tools/ ResourcesRead MoreIdentity Management, Self Presentation And Impression Management944 Words   |  4 Pagesconcept I will be defining and analyzing goes by multiple names including, identity management, self-presentation and impression management, but I will be using the term the book calls it which is image management. Image management is the behavior of attempting to manage the way we want to present our image and the way we want to be seen by others (Mullen Goethals, 71). We manage a multitude of impressions and identities to the public by how we act, dress, associate w ith, what we say and more. WeRead MoreIdentity And Access Management Business Proposal1351 Words   |  6 Pages Identity and Access Management Business Proposal MPTM-632-202 Raven Sims SPRING 2016 Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) is a publically traded shipbuilding company that is the sole provider of manufacturing, engineering and management services to the nuclear energy, oil and gas markets. HII has built more ships in more ship classes than any other U.S. naval shipbuilder with over 36,000 employees domestically and internationally. Huntington Ingalls is the sole builder of U.S. Navy aircraftRead MoreIdentity Management, Concepts, And Definitions1734 Words   |  7 Pages(1) The Topic: Identity Management, Concepts, and Definitions What is Identity Management? In sociological terms it is communication strategy which is goal-oriented. It operates on both the conscious and subconscious level; communicators attempt to control the impressions of other people about themselves. This is achieved by governing and effecting various impressions designed to control social interactions. It is the outward facing or presenting self, in which one manipulates theirRead MoreRadio Frequency Identity Tags in Supply Chain Management Essay1494 Words   |  6 PagesRadio Frequency Identity Tags (RFID) can greatly improve a company’s performance. RFID can be used as a tool for optimizing business processes and improve the efficiency of operations. It is used in a wide variety of areas. Here, in this report we will explore the possibility of RFID in supply chain management. It may improve the potential benefits of supply chain management through increase of the four factors: efficiency, accuracy, visibility, and security. RFID technology has a great potentialRead Moresocial media and identity management1639 Words   |  7 Pages Social Media and identity management-benefits and risk Currently, people are living in a virtual world that is dominated by social media; the influence of emergences of social media platform, such as Facebook, YouTube, has far beyond the imagination of peopleï ¼Ë†Pennsylvania, 2011ï ¼â€°.There are an increasing number of people who are willing to use social media to manage their identity, which offers a large amount of opportunities for those audiences who want to standing out from the crowd.(Matthieu;Read MoreTechnology Giant- Adobe Corporation859 Words   |  3 Pagesto be improvements made by researchers in the field of authentication and identity management (AIM), data leakage problems, structured query language (SQL) injection attacks and flooding attacks (FA). Data is the most valuable asset to any business and should be treated as valuable as any fixed asset. Any kind of unauthorized access can be destructive for cloud computing system and may lead to various risks of identity theft, fraud, and damage of intellectual property. To ensure authorized accessRead MoreLiterature Review On Security Of Internet Of Things1519 Words   |  7 Pagesnew algorithms are required to achieve desired goals. [2] Objects in super connected world 1. Existence : The existence of thing’s virtual replica is possible for things with specific technologies. 2. Sense of self : Implicit or explicit identities of things describe them specifically. 3. Connectivity : Communication can be initiated among all the connected things. 4. Interactivity : A wide variety of services can be produced and consumed as things inter operated and collaborated. 5. DynamicityRead MoreSecuring The Network Is A Top Priority For Any Organization1330 Words   |  6 Pagesto review policies with the employees. Identity Management System Identity Management (IdM) is essential in corporations such as Jacket X due to the amount of employees, customers, and vendors that require access to data that the corporation has. IBM has a great system called IBM Security Identity Manager, this product has the ability to meet all of Jacket X’s requirements in an IdM system. IBM (n.d.) briefly explains their IdM system: IBM Security Identity Manager automates the creation, modification

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Role of Marketing Free Essays

1. Markets bring together buyers and sellers of goods and services. In some cases, such as a local fruit stall, buyers and sellers meet physically. We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Marketing or any similar topic only for you Order Now In other cases, such as the stock market, business can be transacted over the telephone, almost by remote control. We need not go into these details. Instead, we use a general definition of markets. 2. What the term market means A market is a shorthand expression for the process by which household’s decisions about consumption of alternative goods, firms’ decisions about what and how to produce, and workers’ decisions about how much and for whom to work are all reconciled by adjustment of prices Prices of goods and of resources, such as labour, machinery and land, adjust to ensure that scarce resources are used to produce those goods and services that society demands. 4. Economics studies markets and prices Much of economics is devoted to the study of how markets and prices enable society to solve the problem of what, how, and for whom to produce. Suppose you buy a hamburger for your lunch. What does this have to do with markets and prices? You chose the cafà © because it was fast, convenient and cheap. Given your desire to eat, and your limited resources, the low hamburger price told you that this was a good way to satisfy your appetite. You probably prefer steak but that is more expensive. The price of steak is high enough to ensure that society answers the â€Å"for whom† question about lunchtime steaks in favour of someone else. 5. The seller’s viewpoint Now think about the seller’s viewpoint. The cafà © owner is in the business because, given the price of hamburger meat, the rent and the wages that must be paid, it is still possible to sell hamburgers at a profit. If rents were higher, it might be more profitable to sell hamburgers in a cheaper area or to switch to luxury lunches for rich executives on expense accounts. The student behind the counter is working there because it is a suitable part-time job which pays a bit of money. If the wage were much lower it would hardly be worth working at all. Conversely, the job is unskilled and there are plenty of students looking for such work, so owners of cafes do not have to offer very high wages. 6. Prices guide your decision Prices are guiding your decision to buy a hamburger, the owner’s decision to sell hamburgers, and the student’s decision to take the job. Society is allocating resources – meat, buildings, and labour – into hamburger production through the price system. If nobody liked hamburgers, the owner could not sell enough at a price that covered the cost of running the cafà © and society would devote no resources to hamburger production. People’s desire to eat hamburgers guides resources into hamburger production. However, if cattle contracted a disease, thereby reducing the economy’s ability to produce meat products, competition to purchase more scarce supplies of beef would bid up the price of beef, hamburger producers would be forced to raise prices, and consumers would buy more cheese sandwiches for lunch. Adjustments in prices would encourage society to reallocate resources to reflect the increased scarcity of cattle. 7. We have adopted a general definition of markets There were several markets involved in your purchase of a hamburger. You and the cafà © owner were part of the market for lunches. The student behind the counter was part of the local labour market. The cafà © owner was part of the local wholesale meat market and the local market for rented buildings. These descriptions of markets are not very precise. Were you part of the market for lunches, the market for prepared food, or the market for sandwiches to which you would have turned if hamburgers had been more expensive? That is why we have adopted a very general definition of markets which emphasises that they are arrangements through which prices influence the allocation of scarce resources. How to cite The Role of Marketing, Essays

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Confucius Essay Example For Students

Confucius Essay The life of the great teacher and philosopher of China,Confucius was hard for him because his father died when he was only three and he lived with his fathers second wife.He was born 551 B.C. and died 479 B.C.When he was alive he wasa great influence on China and its ways of life.He was born into a noble famliy and was noble to everyone who asked for something of him and it was either teaching or a task he would do it if it was right. When Confucius was born he had another name,his real name was Chung-ni.He was married at the age of 19 and had one son and two daughters and his mother died at 527 B.C.Confucius in his late life,saidAt,15 I set my heart on learning.At 30,I was firmly established.At 40 I had no more doubts.At 50 I knew the will of Heaven.At 60 I was ready to listen to it.At 70,I could follow my hearts desire without transgressing what is right.When Confucius grew he was at a unusual height and people called him long fellow. Confucius had at least 3,000 pupils and 72 of them mastered the 6 arts rituals,music ,archery,charioteering,literature and mathematics. People used to think he was a superior man of wisdom.He also urged a system of morality and statecraft that would preserve peace and provide people with stable and just governments. Philosophy

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Process Essay - How To Enjoy Summer Essays - Fun, Recreation, Kids

Process Essay - How To Enjoy Summer ? How To Enjoy Summer? How can I enjoy summer? Do you know? I have some ideas for the end of June when school ends.For us students our days will be free. What I thinkpeople should do first, is enjoy the first week by resting. The next thing to do is plan some funactivities, such as playing sports and hanging outwith friends. At the beginning of vacation sleeping late in themorning seems like a privilege after completing ahard year of school. After a week of rest and relaxation it's time to get involed with more fun activities. Playing sports is more fun after a restful week.Kids could join a team or just play for fun withfriends. Until the fun of summer sports, comes to anend and it's time to move on to other fun activities that we can do in the rest of the summer. Hanging out with friends in the summer is an experience compared to no other. We learn moreabout ourselves and our friends. We can hang out by going to the movies, going out for pizza and go shopping with your friends. All in all there are many more ways to enjoysummer than I put here, but those reasons I statedare what I would do in the summer. Everyone has many different ways of enjoying summer these aremine. To finish the point it doesn't matter how one enjoys summer or where one goes. What matters most is to relax and have fun because, we need to rewardourselves for hard work we've done and plan to donext year.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

George Orwells A Homage To Catanolia Essays

George Orwells A Homage To Catanolia Essays George Orwells A Homage To Catanolia Essay George Orwells A Homage To Catanolia Essay Essay Topic: George orwell Shane George Orwells A Homage to Catalonia is a very emotional piece. We find this from the beginning of the extract when Orwell starts off with it is very hard to describe what I Felt. From this we feel quite sympathetic towards him. It becomes clear he finds it awkward and hard to speak of such events without recollecting and recurs the negative emotions he went through. Orwell uses onomatopoeia in the second paragraph by describing his fatality by using bang and flash as if a rifle is going off. It shows the sudden and quickness of it. I feel this also shows how quick the life was snatched away from the soldiers in a flash. Orwell seems a loving type. He often mentions his wife and his family giving us a family man persona i. e. emotional and caring. It allows us to see that they are highly important to him. The most sentimental part lies in his last moments where he says first thought, conventionally enough was for my wife. Once again we pity him for the fear and pain he had to endure. The extract is from his autobiography. This means it is a very biased account. The things he says can not be backed up and things could be exaggerated and toned down especially for the reader but it doesnt seem too graphic to allow such exaggeration. : He speaks in first person They laid me down again while somebody fetched the stretcher. By talking in first person we once again feel a very personal account of events. Maybe with such a delicate subject such as war, he felt his personal accounts would give a deeper meaning to the reader rather than a biography written by someone else. This allows him to put his heart in to it more. Being an autobiography, we can justify irregular language that can be used. In this particular piece Orwell says The stupid mishane infuriated me. Using the word stupid it allows us to feel his aggravation and angst more, therefore this language can be used successfully in this example to enhance mood. Orwell oddly portrays the wars harsh realities, not in the stereotypical way but in a softer, more subtle approach. The Extract overall seems very negative indeed. In the line a feeling of being shrivelled up to nothing we truly understand the emptiness and coldness the war affected him. It may not be an extremely graphical adaption of war but it still creates strong, painful emotions. The extract is filled with imagery and descriptions. In the quote Only a violent shock, such as you get from an electric terminal gives us a very strong account of his injuries. It makes us pity Orwell because of what he goes through and the pain he endures. This autobiography was written in 1936, after the war. This is probably the main reason why this is less patriotic as after being affected by the war, Orwell would have his own experiences that may have changed his perspectives and may question why he was so eager to volunteer in the first place. Orwell may have been influenced by the world and how things had changed from the beginning so he could easily put this George Orwells A Homage to Catalonia Continued knowledge into his autobiography and could have easily been affected/inspired by the authors of the time period, articles and the events that followed. Wilfred Owens poetry showed a massive contrast between pre-war and pro-war. In the women and the slain the patriotic line To die in war for brothers reveals dreams of being a hero, feeling proud where as in the first sentence of Dulce Et Decorum Est Owen describes the soldiers as old beggars and like hags showing a more degrading and insignificance to there deaths. As if they mean nothing. If this extract was pre- war we would expect it to be more patriotic, nobler. At the end of the extract, after hearing Orwell has been shot in the neck and survived, Orwell says I would merely have congratulated him on his good shooting. This allows us to feel he is not bitter for what has happened to him and gives us relief that he does not hold a grudge over this.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Heres Whats Cool in Spanish

Here's What's Cool in Spanish This is a cool Spanish lesson. How would you translate the above sentence to Spanish? Look up the word cool in a Spanish-English dictionary, and chances are the first word youll find is fresco - but that word is used to refer to something that isnt quite cold. Some larger dictionaries include words such as guay  as a slangy term, but thats hardly the only word that can be used. Bueno Can Be Good If for some reason you need to convey the idea of cool and have a limited vocabulary, you can always use a word you probably already know, bueno, which means good. Its not a particularly cool word and doesnt come across as colloquial, but it will get most of your idea across. And of course, you can always use the superlative form, buenà ­simo, for something thats especially good. Cool Words Vary by Region There may no good Spanish equivalent of cool that works everywhere, but native Spanish speakers in a forum sponsored by this site offered their perspective on what may be best. Heres a part of their conversation, held originally in Spanish and English: Chabela: How do you says cool, like thats cool! What do the teenagers say? I know it cant be translated directly, but ... Cyberdiva: One word to use is chà ©vere. Duras: It cant be translated directly, because each country has its own versions. VictorIm: Chà ©vere is kind of old-fashioned (1960s). Is there anything new? Bandini: Duras is correct. Every country has its own vocabulary for words like this. The particular word you mentioned (chà ©vere) originated in Venezuela but due to Venezuelas major export (Spanish soap operas), the word is now become popular in a dozen other Spanish speaking countries, including Mexico. Rocer: In Mexico we understand the word chà ©vere, but we dont use it. Only if we talk to Venezuelans or Colombians, I guess. Adri: When I was studying in Spain last semester, I learned from a native-speaking friend of mine that they say guay or quà © guay. Guero: I think chido and buena onda would work well for cool. VictorIm: Buena onda sounds old-fashioned to me. Anything with onda sounds old. Are there any new expressions? Dulces: I have heard est chido and est padre in Mexico. SagittaDei: A very common translation is genial, est genial. Is very widely used in the Spanish-speaking world. As has been pointed out, there are many words depending on the country. I use est bacano/a, est una chimba, es una verraquera and many others; but these are Colombianisms. We also use the anglicism cool as in es muy cool. Rich teenagers like to use English in this way. It also depends on the social level. By the way, eso es chà ©vere is less expressive than eso es genial, the former is like thats nice. Note that you can use either estar or ser with the obvious difference of permanent and transitional attributes. Tottefins: In Mexico they say padre or chido on the streets. However, on Mexican television they say genial. Maletadesueà ±os: Here in Texas you often hear quà © chido, est chido, quà © padre, etc. Other people who arent from here that I have spoken with, such as my friend who lives in Venezuela, think these expressions seem comical as theyre Mexicanisms. Rupdaddy: I have heard the word brbaro. Most of my studies have been of the Spanish of the Rà ­o de la Plata, Argentina. I know that in Uruguay, at least among the youth, they say de ms. Chabela: I know that in Uruguay sometimes the youth say de ms. Those words are the same, more or less, with what the youth say in the U.S. In Mexico, particularly Tijuana, the word curada is widely used as meaning cool. Sometimes recurada is heard. Ive also heard the term chulado by people who come from Mexico City. OjitosLindos: I think in Spain the verb molar is used like gustar to mean something similar to cool, for example: Me mola el cine would mean I like the cinema or the cinema is cool. I think this is only used among young people (teenagers). Anderwm: Yes, you are right. Molar is a teenager thing. In Costa Rica and Nicaragua the people use tuane.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The role of global warming in public health Research Paper

The role of global warming in public health - Research Paper Example The research paper makes an overview of climate change and also makes the suggestions on preventing global warming effects. Global warming is caused by increase in greenhouse gases that are emitted into the air, and it can cause extreme weather events such as drought, flooding, and rise in sea level among others. Another extreme weather event caused by global warming is heat-waves. Notably, global warming can be caused by natural or human activities, for instance, natural global warming happens as a result of factors such as volcanic eruption. On the other hand, human induced global warming is due to activities such as agricultural practices, burning of fossil, industrial processes, and deforestation among others. Human beings highly depend on fossil fuels as a source of energy and this has increased the atmospheric content of greenhouse gases. These gases contain excess heat within the atmosphere and the impacts of climatic change are disastrous. Ecological disruptions and any other form of disruptions can adversely affect public health. Due to changes in climate increases, existing health threats and creates new health threats. Health effects of global warming depend on factors such as age, economic resources and location. Generally, the health effects of global warming and climate changes include respiratory and cardiovascular disease, threats to mental health, injuries and premature deaths associated with extreme weather events, increased infectious diseases, and changes in the prevalence and distribution of food.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Eng101 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Eng101 - Essay Example Habits can lay a strong ground towards success or become the major threats of becoming successful. On the road to success, an individual must continuously monitor his or her behaviours. He or she should realize that success requires hardwork, patience, endeavour, and determination. Without these traits, one becomes dormant and failure in life. Every individual who is successful has formed habits that failures dislike and fails to do. The harvest that human beings reap is measured by the habits and attitudes they cultivate. Habits can be the basis for failure or the basis of success. Although everyone wants to succeed, the ability to fail attracts many people because of the habits formed. Success is important in life in that it is the process of getting from one point of maturity to another. It means achieving or attaining goals. Often, one measures success by the accomplishments of dreams and hopes. Winston Churchill believed that success is a journey from a failure to failure withou t losing focus, determination, motivation, and enthusiasm. Success can only be achieved if one is determined to embrace every challenge that comes the way with the right attitude. Successful people are those that have tried many times to fully succeed in the last chance. Bruce Lee quoted that, one should not go for success but success should look for someone. Bruce encourages people to be themselves and express their feeling effectively. Successful people have faith in themselves and go out looking for success. These people believe that success is not the final journey, but the courage and passion to be successful is what that counts. David Brinkley quoted that, a successful person is the one who can build a strong foundation with the stones and bricks thrown at him. The courage to succeed is what differentiates successful people and failures. Successful people are those that take one idea and utilize it to make profit. These people are dreamers and they work hard to accomplish thei r goals in life. Successful people are not discouraged by obstacles or challenges that come their way, rather their faults and failures are what that make them succeed. The difference between a successful person and others is not lack of knowledge or lack of strength, but lack of will. Success demands one to have a strong will to perform the assigned duties. Having a strong will help an individual to excel even when situations or circumstances demands one to quit or fail. Successful people are not moved by emotions rather they are moved by facts about life. In other words, they are moved by things that enhance a better and fulfilling life. In its simplest terms, success is not so much measured by the position that one has reached or acquired in life as by the challenges and obstacles he has overcome. Overcoming many obstacles and challenges is what measures great success. One should not measure a man’s success by how big or high he climbs but how overcomes the challenges and bounces when he reaches the bottom. The formula for success is rising early to work, working hard, and enduring every challenge of life. Life challenges should be the stepping stone to success. The cost or price of success is hard work and having a strong determination that whether one lose or win, there is another room for being better and accomplish the best in life. It is important to note that, success is not measured by what an individual accomplished, rather by

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Business ethic reflective essay Essay Example for Free

Business ethic reflective essay Essay It was probably in 2010, I was an agent in an assurance company. My duties was managing and servicing our organization’s existing corporate client portfolio that has been assigned to me. One of our company product called Saving Plan what pay an amount of money monthly or yearly up to 6 years, the annual will received 6% interest and consumer can take their money back after they complete the 6 years payment. As we know, every product might have some weaknesses while it benefits us. It is commonly that company or sales man will try to minimize the weakness of product while they promote it. But what I did wrong was that I did never mention the product weakness to customer that they will only get the best return (interest) after 25 years when they completed payment for 6 years saving plan, what I thought the saving plan as a force to consumer get use to save money and whoever buy the saving plan they will always get their money back at the end if they complete the payment. My concern was close cases at that time. In fact, It was kind of ethic problem when I promoted products but did not let customers understand all about it. Once I heard complain from customer I felt so guilty of myself that I had hidden from my customers. I felt shame to face my customer. I felt that was unfair to my customers and I used customer’s belief to gain my own profit. I thought it will not have any lose for my customers even I did not tell the limitation of the product cause after customer complete the saving plan, they could take their money back at anytime, but customers will only get their return of this investment after 25 years when policy mature. As it tend to depend on the economy, the saving plan may not make profit for customers. This lesson has taught me how to be an ethic person. We could put ourselves as consumers that we will always wish to know the truth and we have the right. I will never do this again in my life, trust is very important and to build a trust will always get back our customers. I would like to explain and analysis all to my customer. I wish I can be a ethic person wherever I am and whatever I do.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Russia Essays -- History, Politics, Boris Yeltsin

Russia, an Eastern European country held under Soviet control in the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. However, Soviet control would later on collapse in December 1991, as the nation started transitioning towards democracy. Although Russia would transition from socialist to democratic, it was actually a time of political instability with direct military involvement and public widespread protest. A time in which, President Boris Yeltsin (executive) was in a heated confrontation with the Russian Parliament (legislature formerly formed by the Congress of People’s Deputies and the Supreme Soviet) towards legitimate government authority between executive-legislative relations through amending the provisions of the Constitution. Therefore, it is remembered throughout history as the Constitutional Crisis of 1993 that many political analysts observed the events that took place before the actual crisis to explain, why the nation faced political instability during the pro cess of democratization. It all began to take root on early January of 1992 as Boris Yeltsin, who was faced with â€Å"One of the most urgent challenges†¦for rescuing the sinking Russian economy† (Breslauer 2002: 153), as he took the initiative to put into effect his economic reform to alleviate the economy. Consequently, it caused many industries to go out of business as prices soon began to skyrocket, which caused spending to take a drastic downturn and taxes to escalate further. Soon afterwards Yeltsin’s reform began to be viewed as being too radical which caught Parliament’s attention for his actions being somewhat â€Å"unconstitutional† because â€Å"He was an autocrat who, without regard to formal constraints†¦acted in unpredictable ways to achieve his goals† (Rose... ...ocess of democratization? First, it started when Boris Yeltsin brought in a free market economic reform, but Parliament viewed it being too radical, which influenced their decision to deny the reframing of the constitution. It then led to a series of clashes throughout 1992-1993 as executive-legislative relations struggle for legitimate authority of the nation. Then, it came to a climax as the masses led a widespread protest towards the unstable conditions of the government, which escalated into a merciless conflict. Finally, it came to a resolution with Yelstin’s commanding the army to shoot down the Parliament White House, which led to their inevitable defeat and Yeltsin’s victory. At last, these events explain the political instability within the nation because Yeltsin struggled to transition towards Democracy, while Parliament wanted to retain Soviet values.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Spanish Culture

Spain is a very geographic diverse country, ranging from deserts, beaches, and mountains. Spain is deeply rooted in tradition due to the many outside influences throughout time. Spain is the third largest country in Europe. Spain became part of NATO, and then joined the European Union in 1986. After this the economy of Spain increased significantly, placing Spain firmly on the Western economy map and gained major trading partners. The country is a highly developed and stable democracy. Spanish Family Values   The family is the basis of the social structure and includes both the nuclear and the extended family, which sometimes provides both a social and a financial support network. .Today, it is less common than previously for family members to work in a family business, as personal preferences are important and university education is general . The structure and the size of the family vary, but generally, people live until longer lives, have fewer children than before, and fewer pe ople live in their homes with extended family.   Familial networks have become less tight. The greatest changes have occurred inside families, between men and woman, and the parents and children because the values that inspire these relations have changed. Religion in Spain The majority of Spaniards are formally Roman Catholic, although different religious beliefs are accepted. During the history of Spain, there have been long periods of where different religious groups have coexisted, including Muslims, Jews and Christians.Still some traditions manifest more like a cultural event than a religious one. During Holy Week, many participants of the processions wear peaked, black hats as the sign of a penitent and walk barefoot, carrying a burden of some kind. Religious history is apparent in every small town, where the most grandiose building is typically the church. In the large cities the Cathedrals are almost museums. Bussines – Key concepts and values Face – Spanish culture places a large emphasis on personal pride.Therefore, causing loss of face through criticism or embarrassment should be avoided at all costs. During business meetings, for example, it is essential that your presentations are comprehensible in order to avoid any embarrassment that may occur from possible misunderstandings. In addition, when dealing with your Spanish counterparts you may also find that competence and control are important elements of their work ethos and crucial for saving face.This may result in your Spanish colleagues insisting that everything is in order, even if it is not. Individualism – In terms of personal attributes, individualism is highly valued in Spain, along with an emphasis on character and social status. Spanish culture highlights the importance of self and one’s family. However, influenced by its collectivist past, family values, a sense of identity and belonging to a group, are also integral parts of society in Spain.Consequently personal qualities, appearance, image and personal relationships are extremely significant components in contemporary Spanish culture. In a business context, personal attributes and character are frequently valued as much as technical ability, experience or professional competence. When doing business in Spain, you will find that individualism is particularly predominant in management, where Spanish managers are less inclined to favour group decision making and team orientation.Uncertainty Avoidance – This is a vital element of Spanish culture that refers to the cautious approach the Spanish take towards new ideas. In Spain, individuals tend to avoid ambiguity, but often accept a familiar risk situation. Spain's attitudes to rules, regulations and structure are important for maintaining a sense of control in a typically uncertain situation. In business, managers in Spain generally prefer to have precise answers to questions and give precise instructions in order to reduce con flict.In addition, you may find that the Spanish amenable nature to initial business suggestions is often hindered by a considered and tentative approach to final decisions. Masculinity Vs Feminity — Machismo is the word for male dominance, and the culture of old men who created it has changed dramatically. Spain is a very equalitarian society, the birth rate is the one of the lowest in Europe, and women are present at university and work. High Context vs. Low Context –Take a look how members of high and low contextual cultures see themselves and their opposites: High Context Communication |Low Context Communication | |polite |open | |respectful |true | |integrates by similarities/harmony |integrates by authenticity | |not direct |direct | |High Context claims Low Context |Low Context claims High Context | |impolite |hiding information | |â€Å"cannot read between the lines† |not trustable | |naive |arrogant | |no self discipline |too formal | |too fast |too slo w | In high context communication information can have different meanings according.It needs additional information to encode (understand). In low context communication information has only one single meaning. Spain is between High and low context communication but it is more oriented to high context. DOING BUSSINES IN SPAIN †¢ Working practices o Working hours can vary across Spain. Generally speaking, offices open at approximately 09. 00 and close mid-evening, with a two-hour break around 14. 00. However, Spanish working hours have become more â€Å"Europeanised† in recent years, particularly in the northern cities. o Business appointments should always be made well in advance in Spain and confirmation via letter or fax beforehand is advised.It is best to arrange initial business meetings for mid-morning due to the relatively unusual structure of the Spanish working day. o Punctuality is expected of foreign visitors; however, you may sometimes find your Spanish counter parts arrive up to 30 minutes late. †¢ Structure and hierarchy o Hierarchy and position are extremely significant in Spanish business culture. For this reason it is advised to work with those of equal rank rather than with someone of a lower business status. o The distinct hierarchical structure of Spanish businesses means the authority to make decisions rests with the individual in highest authority. o Subordinates are respectful of authority and are generally far removed from their superiors.Spanish business culture advocates subordinate initiative where problems are dealt with at lower levels first before approaching superiors for assistance. †¢ Working relationships o An essential part of conducting business in Spain is establishing personal contacts. Generally speaking, the Spanish prefer to do business with those they are familiar with, therefore obtaining personal contacts enables the negotiation process to advance more swiftly and successfully. o Establishing solid business relationships and building colleague rapport is a vital concept in Spanish business culture. Effective business negotiations and decisions are frequently based on trust and personal feelings, as well as concrete evidence. The Spanish close sense of personal space and animated means of expression and communication can be seen as part of this emotion directed culture.†¢ Business practices o The decision-making process in Spain is usually unhurried and can be a gradual, detailed procedure that involves consideration from various levels within the company. In this respect, maintaining good relationships with your Spanish counterparts from all positions are vital for success. o When arriving at an appointment it is advised to present your business card to the receptionist. Wherever possible, business cards should be printed in English on one side and in Spanish on the other. You should present your card with the Spanish side facing the recipient. An initial introduction at both business and social meetings generally include a formal handshake with everyone present, male and female, whilst making direct eye contact. Business etiquette (Do's and Don'ts) †¢ DO remain patient in all dealings with your Spanish counterparts.The Spanish are sometimes noted for their relaxed approach to business and Spanish bureaucracy can be frustrating. However, be wary of the ‘manana' stereotype as you will find that certainly in the northern regions such as Catalonia and the Basque Country that deadlines and punctuality are much more closely adhered to. †¢ DO try to maintain a friendly and personal atmosphere during negotiations. In order to be effective in Spain, Spanish business culture also requires a sense of self-dignity, consideration and diplomacy. DO use basic titles of courtesy, Mr, Mrs, or Miss, followed by the surname, and professional titles, such as Dr, where known. Particularly with older counterparts or those in the south of Spain. Care sho uld also be taken in using the correct surname as Spaniards have two, their father's first surname and their mother's first surname.Normally the father's surname is used on its own. †¢ DON'T expect to enter into business discussions at the start of a meeting. Your Spanish colleagues will want to establish a familiar environment on which to build new business relationships. This may include asking personal questions regarding your family life and background. DON'T presume that business can be explicitly discussed over meals, it is generally considered a sociable activity and therefore you should wait until your Spanish colleagues initiate such conversation. Despite this, business lunches and dinners are a vital part of business life in Spain as a means through which to establish trust and future business relationships. †¢ DON'T display signs of over assertiveness or superiority. Your Spanish counterparts will appreciate a more modest approach to business negotiations.http:/ /www. communicaid. com/cross-cultural-training/culture-for-business-and-management/doing-business-in/Spanish-business-and-social-culture. php

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Heathrow and Gatwick Essay

These results show that 70% of businesses believe the expansion will allow them to expand, even if it is only slightly. This will most likely be due to the increase in demand enabling them to expand due to higher profits, or expanding out of necessity to access the larger market and cope with it. For instance computerising the system they work on so the business managers can cope with the increase in customers, and employing people to look after it. The 40% of businesses who claimed a great amount of expansion is possible are most likely directly involved with the airport and only catering for customers ad employees using it. Those businesses that expansion will not be an option open to them as a result of the expansion; will be again those businesses whose customer base is not linked to that of the airport. Evaluation of Primary Research To summarise, it is important to notice that all businesses are going to be affected one way or another by the expansion on the airport, and therefore all have a vested interest in it. This effect may be one of a beneficial or problematic nature. With the huge increase of passengers and employees using the airport, demand for many of the businesses will be set to rise. However this increase in demand could be less favourable to profits because of the possible increase in competition, which will lead to an inevitable raise in human resource and marketing costs, to maintain their competitiveness. Also, the expansion of the airport itself is likely to result giving businesses the option to expand themselves, to cater for the increase in demand, and the new needs of consumers that the expansion will produce. I received answers from 10 businesses in and around the area of Stansted Airport. The range of businesses with which I made contact was varying in both type of business and location, however it is unlikely the situation of all business is represented in these results, and therefore the primary research is not something I can completely rely on when coming to a conclusion. Secondary Research This graph shows a clear rise in the amount of passengers for the next two decades, with actual numbers in 2005 reaching 228million. The growth rate is very steady with only a slight slump in the later 2020’s, however the rate of increase is still good. This is an obvious good sign as the increase in the size of the market through continuous market growth gives airlines a much larger customer base. This following graph goes back further and takes pinpoints reasons for more dramatic slumps that have occurred: The only noticeable declines or slowing down of growth are the results of specific crises, similar to and including the attack on the World Trade Centre. However the most noticeable point in decline, with the slowest return to the earlier rate of growth, is the Oil Crisis in 1973, which essentially resulted in huge inflation within the oil industry. With the evident effect that the oil industry has on the Air Travel industry it will be important to consider its current state and future prospects. This graph clearly shows a continuous increase in the price of oil for the next decade, with no apparent evidence that it will slow down. With this increase in oil prices the Airlines variable costs are bound to increase because of their oil usage. This increase in variable costs will most likely be covered by an increase in the airlines flight prices. This table shows the price elasticity of demand for both ‘business’ and ‘leisure’ flights and overall measure. From the results we can determine that the demand for flights overall is certainly price elastic, therefore the increase in price of flights will affect the airline’s sales, specifically in leisure travel. This is backed up also by the results of a poll stating that 78% of people consider the cost of travelling plays a part in how often they are able to visit close friends and family members abroad. However, business flights are inelastic, although sales will go down, they will not go down at a rate that would be too effective to their profits if prices were raised. Therefore Stansted should try and attract as much of the business market as possible. Another factor of cost increase to consider is the taxes put on air travel. The Government is trying the counter the current environmental problem by placing higher taxes on air travel therefore attempting to reduce the amount of flights. This tax is set to rise soon and again almost double in 2010, and probably carry on rising. This increase in tax is likely to be passed on to passengers, therefore adding even more onto the price, on top of the oil increases. The director of the Gatwick Diamond Business Association (GDBA) stated that â€Å"This expansion is looking at increasing capacity by 10m passengers a year and that is going to bring substantial changes, meaning they could attract more business trade. † This is obvious great news for Stansted, with the apparent price in elasticity of the business flights, and the increasing oil prices. He then went on to say the expansion will increase Stansted’s capacity by 10m a year and will therefore increase its competitiveness with Gatwick. For customers this will be beneficial as the airports and airlines may then drop their prices in order to be more competitive, and try to develop a strong sense of brand loyalty. This chart shows the distribution of passengers flying from different airports: It clearly shows that the London airports have a large majority of the market share and with the expansion of Stansted this is very likely to become even higher, with the increased amount of destinations. Evaluation of Secondary Research This research shows clearly that passenger numbers are expected to increase and that Stansted Airport’s market share is very likely to rise within the growing market for air travel, specifically with the South Eastern Airports having a large majority of the market share. This increase in passengers will bring a large increase of the amount of people going to and from the airport and requiring the different services to do so and be comfortable, therefore increasing demand for many different types of business in and around the Airport, specifically from passengers flying for business purposes. Expansion at Stansted will however only have these desired effects if the airlines manage to keep their prices down, as this is evidently a price elastic business within leisure fliers who make up a large proportion of their customers, and with the impending taxation and oil price rises they must find a way to avoid the rise in variable costs affecting their product prices too much. This is especially important as there is a lot of competition from rival airports in the same area, Heathrow and Gatwick.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Private Day Schools in New York City

Private Day Schools in New York City There are more than 2,000 private schools in New York state, with approximately 200 of those private schools in New York City. Check out this sampling of day schools offerings grades 9-12 with low student to faculty ratios, challenging curricula and excellent reputations for college prep. The schools are coed unless otherwise noted. Many offer early grades as well.   This list is presented in alphabetical order by location. Downtown Friends Seminary Address: 222 E 16th Street, New York, NY, 10003Religious Affiliation: Friends (Quaker)Teachers to Students Ratio: 1:6Tuition: $41,750 Comments: This fine old Quaker school has been around since 1786. In the 2015-2016 academic year, over $4.8 million in  financial aid  was awarded to approximately 22% of the student body at this selective school. Grace Church School Address: 46 Cooper Square, New York, NYReligious Affiliation: EpiscopalTeachers to Students Ratio: 1:5Tuition: $44,000 East Side The Beekman School Address: 220 East 50th Street, New York, NY, 10022Religious Affiliation: NonsectarianTeachers to Students Ratio: 1:4Tuition: $38,000 Comments: If your child is an actor and needs a special school schedule to accommodate his schedule, The Tutoring School section of The Beekman School might be the answer. Birch Wathen Lenox School Address: 210 E 77th Street, New York, NY, 10021Religious Affiliation: NonsectarianTeachers to Students Ratio: 1:7Tuition: $43,479 Comments: BWL is the outcome of The Birch Wathen School combining with The Lenox School in 1991. The school now offers a science initiative, including seminars for Women in Science Education and college-level research opportunities. The Brearley School (All girls) Address: 610 East 83rd Street, New York, NY, 10028Religious Affiliation: NonsectarianTeachers to Students Ratio: 1:7Tuition: $43,680 Comments: The Brearley School was founded in 1884. This prestigious girls school offers serious college preparatory studies as well as a host of extracurricular activities and sports. A highly selective school. Convent of The Sacred Heart (All girls) Address: 1 East 91st Street, New York, NY, 10128Religious Affiliation: Roman CatholicTeachers to Students Ratio: 1:8Tuition: Varies by Grade, Highest is $44,735 Comments: Take a look at the top colleges CSHs grads go to. Then you will understand why this is a serious college prep institution. Solid academics. Conservative Catholic values. Selective admissions. Dalton School Address: 108 E 89th Street, New York, NY, 10128Religious Affiliation: NonsectarianTeachers to Students Ratio: 1:5Tuition: $38,710 Comments: This is one of the original progressive schools. Founded by Helen Parkhurst, Dalton remains true to her missions and philosophy. This is a very selective school. Only 14% of applicants were accepted in 2008. Loyola School Address: 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, 10028Religious Affiliation: Roman CatholicTeachers to Students Ratio: 1:8Tuition: $35,800 Comments: Rigorous Jesuit education for young men and women. Upper East Side location. Lycee Francais De New York Address: 505 East 75th Street, New York, NY, 10021Religious Affiliation: NonsectarianTeachers to Students Ratio: 1:10Tuition: $32,950 Comments: Lycee has been offering a French education since 1935. It prides itself on producing citizens of the world. Nightingale-Bamford School Address: 20 East 92nd Street, New York, NY, 10128Religious Affiliation: NonsectarianTeachers to Students Ratio: 1:6Tuition: $44,400 Comments: Ignore the caricature of the school as seen on Gossip Girls and focus on the reality that this is a highly successful, very selective girls school. One of Manhattans top private schools. Rudolf Steiner School Address: 15 East 79th Street, New York, NY, 10021Religious Affiliation: NonsectarianTeachers to Students Ratio: 1:8Tuition: Varies by grade, Highest Tuition is $44,500 Comments: The Steiner School is the first Waldorf school in North America. The school has two buildings in Manhattan to house the lower and upper schools. The Spence School (All girls) Address: 22 E 91st Street, New York, NY, 10128-0101Religious Affiliation: Non-sectarianTeachers to Students Ratio: 1:7Tuition: $43,000 Comments: Rigorous academics at this top Manhattan girls school. Graduates go on to the top tier colleges everywhere. A selective school. United Nations International School Address: 2450 FDR Drive, New York, NY, 10010Religious Affiliation: NonsectarianTeachers to Students Ratio: 1:7Tuition: Varies by grade, Max tuition is $38,500 UNIS is a large school serving the diplomatic and expat community in Manhattan. UNIS also is an IB school. West Side Collegiate School (All boys) Address: 260 West 78th Street, New York, NY, 10024Religious Affiliation: NonsectarianTeachers to Students Ratio: 1:5Tuition: $41,370 Comments: Americas oldest independent school was founded in 1628. If you are considering a Manhattan boys school, Collegiate is one of the best schools in the country. Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School Address: 5 W 93rd Street, New York, NY, 10025Religious Affiliation: NonsectarianTeachers to Students Ratio: 1:6Tuition: $38,340 One of the oldest private schools in New York the school has one of the finest academic and college prep programs available. This is a selective school. The Dwight School Address: 291 Central Park West, New York, NY, 10024Religious Affiliation: NonsectarianTeachers to Students Ratio: 1:5Tuition: $39,650 Comments: Dwight offers an unusual amalgam of internationalism and civic awareness. The school is the only New York City school to offer the International Baccalaureate at all three levels. Professional Childrens School Address: 132 West 60th Street, New York, NY, 10024Religious Affiliation: NonsectarianTeachers to Students Ratio: 1:8Tuition: $38,300 Comments: PCS offers flexible, concentrated schedules so its students can pursue their professional careers and/or training. Trinity School Address: 139 West 91st Street, New York, NY, 10024-0100Religious Affiliation: EpiscopalTeachers to Students Ratio: 1:7Tuition: $41,370 Comments: Trinity was founded in 1709. The school has nearly 1,000 students and is a highly selective school. They are known for offering educational programs for both body and mind. Other Locations The Masters School  (approx. 12 miles from Manhattan) Address: 49 Clinton Avenue, Dobbs Ferry, NYReligious Affiliation: NoneTeachers to Students Ratio: 1:12Tuition: $41,00-$59,500 Comments:  Masters is 35 minutes from Manhattan and offers private busing from the East and West side of Manhattan.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Biological criminal behavior

Andrea Yates had battled with postpartum depression for years and on June 20, 2001, she drowned all five children in the bathtub of her home. Ultimately the underlining cause of her actions was caused by postpartum psychosis that was triggered by Andrea’s improper use of her medication, failure to adhere to her doctor’s advice after treatment, and her lack of knowledge of coping techniques commonly used by women who suffer from postpartum depression. Postpartum depression can take up to a year after the birth of a child before the mother would even notice the signs of depression and in Yates’s case if left untreated can have a tragic affect on the person and everyone around him or her. A psychopath is someone is has a mental disorder or display violent behaviors. A psychopath also has a personality order and loves to manipulate others, lacks empathy of others, emotionless, and fearless. There is nothing that scares them, there are four subtypes of psychopaths. The first one is a Primary Psychopath, this type of psychopath does not care about punishment or disapproval, and they inhibit their antisocial impulses. A word that means the same to the normal person does not mean the same to him or her, they think very different from the way that normal people do, which is referred to as â€Å"semantic aphasia.† The Secondary Psychopaths, these types of psychopaths are not afraid to take risks of any kind, stress reactive, worry a lot, guilt-prone. These types of psychopaths worry more than the average person. A Secondary Psychopaths, are adventurous, and play by their own rules, they try to avoid pain and cannot resist temptation. Distempered Psychopaths are those that go into a rage very quickly. This type does not usually happen with women, it is more of the men who it mainly happens to. The men who are distempered psychopaths have a high sex drive and get a high off excitement. Charismatic Psychopaths are very charming and gifted this is how they become very good manipulators, fast talkers can persuade others out of anything. A psychopath has always existed, for many, many years. They have existed in many forms and fashion so most people would never know who is a psychopath, until he or she has  encountered one. Although there are four different types of psychopaths, they lack empathy for others and are incapable of feeling remorse for anything or anyone. Psychopaths view the world by, being selfish and not showing any concerns for the safety or welfare of others, they do not care about anyone even friends are family. This type of behavior describes Andrea Yates mental instability at the time she murdered her children. Andrea Yates experienced some postpartum depression after the birth of her fifth child, after the murder of her five kids the prison professionals diagnosed her with insanity and postpartum depression. A genetically induced psychotic behavior is another cause for Yates murdering her children, without any type of remorse. Genetics also played a part in her psychotic behaviors, there was a history of mental illnesses that ran in her family. Yates’s brother suffered from a bipolar disorder and two other siblings suffered depression. When Andrea father passed away, she became even more depressed, she stopped doing the things that should would do normally to take care of herself as well as her kids. Andrea developed postpartum, she began to hallucinate about stabbings (Mclellan, December 2, 2006), and started pulling out her hair. The things that she thought that she was seeing and hearing was not true it was just in her head. Genetic Evidence In the case of Andrea Yates, the question of whether she had a genetic mental illness or defect or was it simply caused by postpartum depression the answer is both. Andrea Yates has a family history of mental illness that played a part in what ultimately contributed to her postpartum psychosis. â€Å"She didn’t realize how much mental illness there was in her own family, from depression to bipolar disorder, which can contribute to postpartum psychosis. In her initial stages, she remained undiagnosed and untreated.† (Ramsland, 2012, para. 4) Yates had a genetic history of mental illnesses that ran in her family, but it did not present itself until after the birth of the couple’s first child. After the birth of her first child, Yates began to have hallucinations about committing violent acts, by the birth of her fourth child Yates mental condition had gotten worse that her doctor was against the idea of Yates conceiving another child with the severity of her mental condition, and that yates was at high risk for developing postpartum psychosis. â€Å"After the birth of her fifth child and the death of her father,  she went into a severe depression and was forcefully admitted to Devereux-Texas Treatment Network.† (Andrea Yates Biography, 2012, para. 3) Although Yates was seen by a psychiatrist diagnosed and treated for her depression because of the limitations health care places on the amount of days a person could stay in the hospital and remain covered Yates was often released before she could learn how to cope with her postpartum depression. Yates attending psychiatrist would prescribe her antidepressants and antipsychotic medication but Yates would often not take her medication, as her taking the medication would make it difficult for Yates to conceive or nurse her child. After Yates condition worsens, her doctor suggests supervision of Yates around the children and without proper treatment for her mental illness and depression. Yates’s doctor advised against the ideal of Yates left unsupervised with her five children and even though Yates was left alone for one hour, and as a result she took that hour and drowned all five children in the bath tub in her home. Biological Criminal Behavior Andrea Yates started developing psychopathic behaviors after the birth of her fourth child. She was admitted to a psychiatric hospital on five separate occasions. The first time she was hospitalized was June 18, 1999 through June 24, 1999, and then again in July 21, 1999 through August 10, 1999 after the birth of her fourth child. After her fifth child was born she was hospitalized again from March 31, 2001 through April 10, 2001, and from May 4, 2001 through May 14, 2001 (Resnick, 2012). The last time she was admitted to the psychiatric hospital was on June 20, 2001, just three weeks before she drowned her five children. Andrea Yates told her husband and her doctors that she was hearing voices and that certain programs on television were telling her that she was a bad mother and was raising her children in a sinful way. Doctors diagnosed Andrea Yates with Postpartum psychosis and depression. Andrea tried on two separate occasions to commit suicide; once trying to overdose on pills and by putting a knife to her throat (McLellan, 2006). Although she was being evaluated by her psychiatrist she was prescribed medication called Haldol, which helped her bounce back from her delusional thoughts and depression. Psychopaths can develop different behavioral traits depending on certain events in their lives. Some of the  most common traits are post-partum psychosis, delusions, schizophrenia, depression, and a belief that they are possessed. These traits can develop from the loss of a loved one, childbirth, stress, and low self-esteem to name a few. Most of the time medication is provided to help with those behavioral traits, while other times hospitalization is required. Most psychopaths experience some sort of violent behavior whether it is inflicted on a loved one, a stranger, or even themselves. Many times psychopaths do not voice their problems with others and symptoms can go undetected if someone is not aware of what to look out for. Conclusion Andrea Yates was an individual who was unaware of her genetic history that even when warned about of the effects of Yates if she were to continue having children with her mental condition. Despite the warning signs of Yates attempted suicide, delusions, and catatonic states was a clear sign that Yates was in desperate need of help. This tragedy occurred because many people do not want to admit that he or she have a problem or even admit the he or she needs help until it is too late. Postpartum depression is a serious condition and if left untreated and without proper support from family heinous crimes like this one will continue to occur.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Mineral and Water Function Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Mineral and Water Function - Essay Example Water also carries oxygen and important nutrients to cells (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2014). Water is the most important component of the cells in our bodies, and there is no way that it can be replaced totally, or Nature would have offered a better solution of water replacement than sodas and other drinks. However, this is the case with normal people, who want to stay hydrated. In case of athletes, dehydration can best be prevented with a sports drink. This is because after doing exercise or a sport, the blood flow in the athletes’ systems increases, generating heat, which is carried to the skin, where sweat is produced. If plain water is taken in, the absence of sodium will dilute the sodium concentration in the body cells, and the brain will also get the message that the thirst is over. The athlete will stop drinking, but the sodium loss is not compensated. However, sports drinks contain sodium (a mineral) and other electrolytes that the body loses with extreme sweat. Hence, sports drinks are beneficial for athletes, but common people should not ignore the importance of water to stay hydrated. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2014). Functions of water in the body. Nutrition and Healthy Eating. Retrieved April 30, 2014, from