Monday, February 17, 2020

Google's creativity tools and innovation management Essay

Google's creativity tools and innovation management - Essay Example As per the new in the market Wolfram Alpha is getting into a partnership with Microsoft; and the other competitor Cuil formed by Ex-employees of Google is also considered a strong competitor of Google. Though Yahoo is also among the competitors of Google, but it might not be so threatening. 1. Six Thinking Hats technique teach the members to distinguish between different kind of thinking and then to relate them with distinct colour (University Of Texas, n.d.). In Google the management understands that Six Thinking Hat often results in great ideals and innovative solution, so they ask their employees to follow this habit (Executive Education Panel, n.d.). Still Microsoft relies more on blue hat think (Fried, 2005). As per Do Bono use of this technique assist the company to be creative (Faulknor, n.d.). 2. Brainstorm is used by the companies for generating alternative and innovative ideas and solutions for prevailing problem (Usability Body of Knowledge, 2005). In Google the brainstorming in applied for determining new products or services which will make the experience of customers better (Chamonix, 2007. p.1-6). None of the competitor of Google practices 80/20 Rule for better brainstorming techniques (Ahmad, 2007). As per the module it results in generation of new ideas. 3. Fishbone Map is a cause-effect analysis tool which is often used by the companies to show interaction in a complex situation or event (Cap Fear community College, n.d.). This comprises of five 5M: Man, Method, Machine, Material and Measurement. This helps the management to analyse the root cause behind any particular problem so it is called â€Å"trouble shooting method† (Abdulla, n.d.). This is a creative tool, which is used by Google quite often, is getting adopted by its other competitors like (Mochal, 2007). As per Ishikawa the companies should use this technique to develop creative solutions for the problem (Watne State University,

Monday, February 3, 2020

Georg Simmel and Walter Benjamin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Georg Simmel and Walter Benjamin - Essay Example Georg Simmel lived in Berlin the most part of his life, and this fact of his biography predetermined his views on modern urban life. In his best-known essay, The Metropolis and Mental Life Simmel â€Å"analyzes individual life in the context of modern, metropolitan life, contrasting the social forces and structures of urban life with those of traditional rural and small town settings†. In this work, Georg Simmel underlined that in conditions of the modern city and urban society an individual can successfully develop his skills and abilities, as the economic and political situation of modern and post-modern community promotes individual freedom and flexibility. But in the other hand in modern urban society an individual is under pressure of numerous factors and restrictions, as â€Å"the metropolis is a site or location for social life where the larger structures, forms of contact, and forces such as the money economy threaten ‘the autonomy and individuality’ of t he individual†. So, the situation in modern urban cities leads to the new politics of vision, when an individual has to perceive everything from the point of view of modern urban experience. Simmel underlined that â€Å"the city conspires to erase difference by assaulting the individual with an overwhelming and never-ending stream of visual stimuli†. This vision is inherent to the spacing theory of scientific rationalism, modern and post-modern experience which fills the space with giant cubic forms suppressing the consciousness of people and their freedom. Simmel asserted that "the urban eye must see fast and understand at a glance while walking among the crowd" (Erickson, 2001). All these features form a certain type of people living in large cities in post-modern urban atmosphere. In Simmel's opinion, our society consists of individuals who interact with each other, and this interacting forms features and specificity of our society: "While there is no perception of s ociety until individuals begin to interact, once formed by the interaction of individuals, the society affects the individuals as an outside force" (Crow Ch., et al., 2000). So, taking into account the modern development of such communication means as telephone, telegraph and the Internet one can say that our society has high level of interactions, and, according Georg Simmel, we have high level of social development. He also underlined that post-modern urban life destroyed differences, and people try to make differences inside themselves: "Precisely because conditions conspire to destroy difference, however, the individual feels herself driven to cultivate uniqueness and have it noticed" (Byram, 2002). Walter Benjamin's position is reflected in his main works The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction and Arcades Project. Benjamin considered modern urban